Behavior Contract – RSCM Midwest Summer Choral Residency - 2024 Children/Youth

During online registration you will indicate that you agree to follow this behavior contract.
1. No use or possession of illegal drugs, alcohol or tobacco products. Choristers found in possession of any of these items will be sent home immediately at the expense of the parents or guardians.

2. Lights out will be strictly enforced. This time is defined as the time for bed - lights off, quiet, going to sleep.

3. Full participation is expected for scheduled activities (rehearsal, liturgies, meals, activities). The Medical Staff and Residency Manager must approve exceptions.

4. No visitors are allowed during the Residency. Parents are welcome to attend public church services but are requested to limit interaction with participants. No one is allowed to visit participants in the dorms at any time. This is for the safety of all children and to comply with our insurance coverage.

5. No participant may leave the site of the Residency.

6. Residency participants of the opposite sex will not share dorm rooms at any time and will refrain from inappropriate physical actions and/or sexual behavior during the Residency.

7. Residency participants of the same sex will respect fellow roommates and refrain from inappropriate physical actions and/or sexual behavior during the Residency.

8. Inappropriate social conduct will not be allowed.

9. Profanity and other lewd language will not be allowed.

10. Personal phone calls, incoming and outgoing, will be limited and coordinated by Residency staff. Cell phones and any other electronic devices that can/could connect with the internet must be given to the Residency Manager for the duration of the Residency.

11. Youth may not drive or ride in any car (including their own) during the Residency without prior approval of the Residency Manager.

12. Adjudication of these rules and any other behavioral issues will be under the jurisdiction of the Residency Managers and Head Proctor.