Jenna Freudenburg

  • Jenna Freudenburg

    Safe Church Coordinator

    Jenna comes from a family full of Lutheran church musicians and teachers, so when she moved to Evansville as a young child, it was perhaps inevitable that she found her way to the choir school at First Presbyterian Church, where she fell in love with choral music. After working her way through the Voice for Life program during her school years, she continued her musical training at Yale University, where she sang with the Yale Schola Cantorum under Masaaki Suzuki and David Hill while pursuing a degree in physics. She has continued to sing in church choirs across the world wherever her academic career as an astrophysicist takes her. Jenna currently lives in Toronto, where she is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Toronto and sings at the Church of St. Mary Magdalene, where her spouse Jake is clergy.