Robert Nicholls

  • Residency Manager

    Robert Nicholls is Director of Music at First Presbyterian Church in Evansville, Indiana. He started his musical education as a Chorister at Westminster Abbey under Simon Preston, graduated from Oundle School and Cambridge University, and sang in the choirs of Gonville and Caius and St. John's Colleges.

    Robert has served as Housemaster and Organist for RSCM Summer Training Courses for twenty-five years and been on staff and planning teams for the Presbyterian Association of Musicians Worship and Music Conferences at Montreat, North Carolina. 2024-25 Robert is the Director of the RSCM America National Choir.

    Robert enjoys accompanying worship from the organ and also silent films. He won first place at the American Guild of Organists National Competition in Organ Improvisation in 2012. Robert was an adjunct lecturer in Music at the IU Jacobs School of Music from 2015-2017 teaching keyboard skills, graduate improvising courses and supervising the Sacred Music Practicum. He is currently Adjunct Professor of organ and harpsichord at the University of Evansville and serves on the RSCM America National Board of Directors.

    Robert is married to Emma Nicholls, PhD, a pediatric Clinical Psychologist whom he met next door in Evansville. They are proud parents of Elena (19) and William (16).